September 4, 2010

HVDC projects under service in INDIA

High Voltage Direct Current transmission - HVDC

One of the most exciting new technical development in electric power system in the last three decades has been “High Voltage Direct Current transmission”. From the
first of HVDC links to the recent, the voltage has increased from 100 KV to 800 KV, the rated power from 20 MW to 6300 MW and the distance from 96 km to 1370 km.
Preceding and accompanying this rapid growth of Direct Current Transmission were developments in High Voltage, High power valves, in control and protection system, in DC cables and in insulation for overhead DC lines.

In India three HVDC projects are in operation.

(i) The Rihand-Delhi HVDC transmission project having 1500 MW capacity
and 500 KV DC voltage is the first commercial long distance DC
transmission project in India.
For pics click here

(ii) Vindhyachal 2x250 MW Back to back DC converter station which
asychronously connect the Northern and Western regions for exchange of

(iii) The Nation HVDC experimental line project, which links Lower Sileru in
A.P. to Barsoor in M.P. Phase 1 of this project is capable of transmitting
100 MW at 100 KV DC.